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Kindergeld (Child benefits) in Germany

Every parent who is a resident in Germany regardless of German citizen or not is entitled for child benefits (Kindergeld) if they have children which are registered in Germany.

Do I get kindergeld?

The Child Benefit is provided by the federal government to help the cost of raising children regardless of your income level. The child benefit is up to 235€ per child which is transferred to your German bank account on a monthly basis.

You are entitled to kindergeld by default if you live in Germany with your children. Whether self employed or salaried you get the child benefit as a rule until the children turn 18. You’ll still get paid if your child is still in high school when they are 25 years old or meet certain criterias.

Once in sometime, the government increases the amount and from July 2019 it was revised to 204€ per month for the first two children each and 210€ for the third child and €235 for each subsequent child.

You’ll still get the child benefit if you adopt a child. The children of your spouse as well as your grandchildren are also qualified for kindergeld if they live in the same house with you.

How do I apply for the kindergeld in Germany?

The kindergeld is provided by the Familienzentrum (Local Family Office) upon submitting an application form.

Documents required for the kindergeld in Germany

Processing time

It may take from three to six weeks to get your application checked by the office. However, the time could vary depending on the rush. Once your application has been processed, you will get a notification by post from the Familienkasse.

On your way to Germany

You can find all the information you need about living and working in Germany at

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